Saturday, November 3, 2007

Softie Surplus = Etsy

So every time I design and create a new softie I get so excited about it that I whip them out one after another . . .until the novelty peters out. Well, after awhile I've built up quite a softie surplus. Hence, my opening up an Etsy shop. I hope my softies find better homes than the plastic storage bins they sadly live in now.

These will be the first softies up for adoption this weekend (or however long it takes me to figure out Etsy).
A sweet koala girl.

A pretty kitty.

And three thoughtful owls.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rima!

Those softies are so cute! I especially love the koala. You are so talented and the colors and fabrics are so kawaii.

Would you happen to make miniature ones (about 1 inch tall) that would be Blythe-sized?

Many hugs to you and Loovee,
Linda, Molli, and Zelda

Anonymous said...

that kitty is the cutest, ever!